Health 4 Development exists to focus on the economic upliftment of individuals, families and communities in Sub-Saharan Africa through the creation of successful enterprises. This delivers employment, grow capital and impact market dynamics for the resilient supply of accessible, affordable, quality-assured healthcare commodities and services.
Where even one parent has a sustainable, meaningful job, the benefits for health, nutrition and education are significant and lasting.
Our Vision & Mission
Health 4 Development understands that health and development have always been inextricably linked in a virtuous cycle.
Our mission is to change the downward spiral (sick people get poor – poor people get sick) that has driven much of the historic efforts in development aid.
As part of our brand ethos, the conjunctive in Health 4 Development is logically transposed as a numeral, because we recognise the importance of all four determinants of health, namely personal; social; economic and environmental. We emphasise the “Capital D” in Development as part of the commitment to upliftment, empowering people to seek better lives for themselves and their children.
Our Philosophy
Health 4 Development believes in nurturing the private sector capacity in two health system pillars: Service Delivery and Commodity Supply.
The strength of any health system is reliant in part on a vibrant and diverse private sector.
No matter how large or limited the role of government in the health system, the private sector’s role in driving positive outcomes must be acknowledged.
Our Approach
Health 4 Development’s strength of strategy is unique. We address the real and urgent need within the health system.
In support of private African SME business growth, Health 4 Development has new approaches in identifying investment opportunities, providing capital and enabling its deployment across a broad range of enterprises and markets – quickly, cost-efficiently and with significant impact on market dynamics of affordability and accessibility.
Our Expertise
Health 4 Development
Founding Principal / Dr Iain Barton
Our Expertise
Health 4 Development
Founding Principal / Dr Iain Barton
Our Solution-Driven Strategy
Impact Investment
Delivering on Value